Our Contribution
Our Contribution to the SDGs
We want to help to achieve the global Sustainable Development Goals (focus SDGs) with our operating activities and ensure that our operating activities do not have any adverse effects on the issues and objectives (further SDGs):

SDG 3 – Good Health and Well-being
PIERER Mobility AG has set itself the goal of manufacturing particularly safe and high-quality products. Customer health and safety always have top priority across all product areas. The group’s research and development department is therefore heavily committed to ensuring the safety of its customers and works on future-oriented solutions. Examples include the world's first “motorcycle stability control” system, but also a PTW bend warning system and ideas for “vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication”. The development and use of such safety and rider assistance systems helps to reduce the number of avoidable motorcycle accidents (SDG 3.6). The KTM Riders Academy was also launched to further improve the training program for test riders. This ensures that KTM employees receive regular rider t...
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SDG 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth
The PIERER Mobility Group is considered a technology pioneer in the premium motorcycle segment and is also one of the largest employers in Upper Austria. For KTM AG, as Europe’s leading manufacturer of high-performance sports motorcycles for use on the road and offroad, its declared goal is to grow continuously to further expand its leading role in the world of motorcycling in terms of technology, sales, and sustainability. Research and development have therefore been the focus of our activities for many years. This generates economic growth, while attractive jobs comprising interesting tasks as well as opportunities for further training and promotion give employees the opportunity to demonstrate their skills, and new and valuable jobs are created (SDG 8.5).
As the company continues to...
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SDG 9 – Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
The pursuit of technological progress and the promotion of innovation are the cornerstones of the PIERER Mobility Group's business model. Product development has always been part of the company’s DNA. Our stated goal is to further expand our pioneering role in terms of technology, sales and sustainability in the powered two-wheeler world through continuous growth. The progressive R&D strategy has produced innovative products which meet the high expectations of our customers in terms of technology, performance and efficiency. As a leading innovator in the sports motorcycle sector, the PIERER Mobility Group traditionally pays great attention to its culture of innovation. In recent years, for example, significant investments have been made in the group's research and development sites, such a...
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SDG 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities
The PIERER Mobility Group's products – powered two-wheelers – are also frequently used in urban areas, where they can have an impact on air quality. The development of low-emission and alternative drive technologies such as electric mobility can reduce application-related pollutant emissions into the air. Our measures in the area of “Sustainable production and mobility”.

SDG 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production
Using natural resources efficiently and taking measures to avoid, reduce and recycle waste materials contribute to SDG 12. As far as the development and production of its products are concerned, the PIERER Mobility Group attaches importance to the efficient use of raw materials in a manner that conserves resources, and to environmentally sustainable operations. Therefore, the issue of increasing efficiency as well as making the fullest possible use of raw materials, including recycling, is extremely important. In addition to a reprocessing facility for cardboard boxes, reusable containers are increasingly being used to reduce the waste of resources (SDG 12.5). Materials such as steel and aluminum chips or various plastics that cannot be recycled in the company's own value chain are collect...
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SDG 13 – Climate Action
The PIERER Mobility Group is conscious of the contribution that its operating activities make to climate change and supports SDG 13 with measures to combat climate change. For example, the company shares the ACEM strategy for decarbonization of Powered Two-Wheelers (PTWs) by 2050 and is working with project partners on concepts for sustainable mobility in urban habitats (SDG 13.2). An important aspect in the development of homologated vehicles is the reduction of exhaust and noise emissions. Energy-efficient, electrically powered two-wheelers and alternative fuels in particular represent an essential part of our solution. A sustainable approach therefore involves the phased reduction of emissions over the entire product life cycle. Thanks to many years of intensive development work in the ...
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SDG 4 – Quality Education
With its initiatives focusing on the training and education of potential and existing employees, the PIERER Mobility Group is making a valuable contribution to SDG 4 which aims to provide quality education and lifelong learning opportunities and enables everyone to enjoy equal access to this. Apprentice training forms an important aspect of HR strategy, as the employees make a significant contribution to the company’s success. This is why KTM has invested around €2.5 million in expanding its apprentice workshop. Through intensive cooperation with vocational colleges, universities and UASs, young people in particular are offered wide-ranging opportunities to obtain high-quality vocational and technical education and training (SDG 4.3). Women in STEM professions are also specifically support...
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SDG 5 – Gender Equality
The PIERER Mobility Group believes that all employees have a right to work in a safe, fair and respectful environment that promotes equal opportunities. This is stated in the Diversity and Anti-Discrimination Policy and practiced accordingly. In addition to measures for flexible working arrangements – such as working from home, flexible working hours and part-time positions – women in STEM professions receive specific support. This is resulting in an increase in female apprentices in technical areas as well as an overall increase in the number of female employees in the company, not least in management positions (SDG 5.5). The Code of Conduct strictly prohibits all discrimination, which is again addressed in the above-mentioned policy, defined and explained in more detail, and also backed ...
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SDG 6 – Clean Water and Sanitation
As part of environmentally aware production, the PIERER Mobility Group also pays attention to efficient use of water and consistent wastewater prevention and treatment. In addition, a solvent-based parts washing system prevents the generation of wastewater that would have to be disposed of at great cost (SDG 6.3).

SDG 7 – Affordable and Clean Energy
In addition to photovoltaic installations on a number of the PIERER Mobility Group’s buildings in Mattighofen and Munderfing, Austria (SDG 7.2), other measures under SDG 7.3 essentially involve improving efficiency, for example through LED lighting, timer switches and the optimization of production facilities. In addition, an energy ring has been created at the Munderfing site and this will help ensure that the company uses a large proportion of the sustainably produced electricity itself. Our measures in the area of “Sustainable production and mobility”.

SDG 16 – Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
The PIERER Mobility Group advocates the respective national anti-corruption provisions and the international directives or recommendations (e.g. UNCAC, U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, UK Bribery Act, OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises). It does not tolerate any practices in which business transactions are concluded by unfair means (SDG 16.5). The Code of Conduct lays down comprehensive conduct guidelines in relation to awarding of undue advantages, corruption and bribery. The mandatory principles defined therein in relation to awarding and acceptance of undue advantages provide a regulatory framework that board members, managers and employees must regard as a guide for their conduct when dealing with suppliers and customers. Our measures in the area of “Fair business practic...
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