
Obligation to publish pursuant to §25 of the austrian media act and information obligation pursuant to §5 of the austrian e-commerce act

Media owner:

PIERER Mobility AG
Edisonstraße 1 | 4600 Wels
Telefon: +43 (0)7242 / 69402
Fax: +43 (0)7242 / 69402 / 109

Firm’s book number: FN 78112 x
Firm’s book court of jurisdiction: Handelsgericht Wels
Member of the Oberösterreichische Wirtschaftskammer
VAT: ATU 15 11 52 02

Object of the company:

The object of the company is to act as a holding company, with a particular focus on the acquisition and administration of industrial companies and holdings in such companies, the implementation of the activities of Pierer Industrie AG in the field of mobility, the management of companies and holdings forming part of the group and the performance of services for these companies (group services), as well as corporate advisory services in general.

UK Tax Strategy:

Design & technical solution:

LX media GmbH
Durisolstraße 6
4600 Wels