Dividend announcement


In the 21st Annual General Meeting held on 26 April 2018, shareholders of KTM Industries AG (ISIN: AT0000820659) voted for the payment of a dividend amounting to €0.03 per share for the fiscal year 2017 with the required majority. This dividend was proposed by the Management Board and endorsed by the Supervisory Board.

The ex-dividend day is May 2, 2018, the dividend record date is May 3, 2018 and the dividend payment day is May 4, 2018. UniCredit Bank Austria AG acts as paying agent.

The dividend shall be paid net of 27,5% withholding tax, except exemptions to deduct withholding tax apply. Payment will be effected as a credit at the depositary bank.

The non-consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2017 show a balance sheet profit of € 25,139,087.92. The dividend payment of € 0.03 per share results in a total dividend payment of 6,761,602.26 for 225,386,742 shares without nominal value. The remaining balance sheet profit will be carried forward for new account.

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