General information about PIERER Mobility AG share
The shares of PIERER Mobility AG have had a primary listing in the International Reporting Standard of the SIX Swiss Exchange since November 14, 2016. The shares of PIERER Mobility AG were accepted into the Swiss Performance Index (SPI) of the SIX Swiss Exchange on March 29, 2017. Since September 19, 2022, PKTM shares have also been listed in the Sustainability Index of the SIX Swiss Exchange (SPI ESG / SPI ESG Weighted Indices). Since March 1, 2022, the shares of PIERER Mobility AG have also been listed on the prime market, the top segment of the Vienna Stock Exchange.

The support provided by investment banks is an important element of the comprehensive investor relations activities of PIERER Mobility AG and is of particular importance for the perception of PIERER Mobility shares with investors.
PIERER Mobility has selected Stifel Europe Bank and Bank Vontobel as preferred brokers for PIERER Mobility shares (Ticker symbol: PKTM). For any inquiries related to the purchase or sale of PIERER Mobility shares please contact:
Jefferies International Ltd. I Sales Trading Desk +44 20 7898 7794
Stifel Europe Bank AG I Sales Trading Desk +49 69 78808 0
Bank Vontobel AG I Sales Trading Desk +41 58 283 56 77